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Eternabond Roof Seal Tape Black 50mm x 15.2 mtrs

Stock Code: RVO612
Price: NZD$120.00

Tape Roll Contents:

50mm (2")  Wide x 15.2 mtrs long



RoofSeal/OneStep tape is used to seal roof joints (seams) and tears,   flashings, copings, skylights, gutters, etc. Perfect for repairing and   restoring roofs on mobile homes and RVs. RoofSeal/OneStep seals to   itself so it can be cut and folded around an object.

For use on virtually all roofs, RoofSeal/OneStep features a UV stable   backing. With the  exception of surface prep, RoofSeal/ OneStep is a  one-step permanent  repair system for virtually all roof types, and roof  accessories.  RoofSeal/ OneStep creates a waterproof, moisture, and air  tight barrier  with no additional sealing required. RoofSeal/ OneStep  remains flexible  to temperatures as low as -57�C making it virtually  impossible to  thermally shock the seam causing a leak.

RoofSeal/OneStep bonds to a wide range of surfaces including   difficult roof materials such as: EPDM, TPO, aged PVC, CSPE/Hypalon, CPE   , SBS, APP modifieds, asphalt BURs, coal tar BURs, all metal roofs,   tiles, shingle, aluminum, Galvanized steel, gypsum board, wood,   polyethylene, propylene, polystyrene, fiberglass, brick, concrete,   masonry, OSB, etc.

Technical Data

Adhesion 9 kilos
Application Temperature 66�C to -29�C ambient
Colors Black
Elongation >700% +/- 100
Low Temperature Flexibility 12.7mm radius at -34.4�C
Permanence .001 perms maximum
Pliability No cracks in membrane
Shelf Life Up to 5 years
Standard Case Quantity 30.5 sq. meters per case
Standard Roll Size 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm, 30cm x 15.2m
Temperature Flexibility Range 57�C - >93.3�C
Tensile Break PSI 31 (kpa)
Total Thickness 0.9 mils
Water Vapor Test (ASTME 96B) .005 grms/24

Surface Preparation
Surface must be clean and dry.  Moisture, dust, dirt, or other foreign  matter should be removed. Remove  oil and grease, etc. with EternaClean  or a non residue cleaner such as  acetone or lacquer thinner. Remove  salt and other contaminants.